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  • Julia Antionette

Yoga Keeps Me Sane

I know that it's the big thing that everyone is jumping into right now and that I run the risk of being called a hipster, but yoga literally keeps me sane. Being bipolar (at least in my case), means routine is life. As much as I hate having a strict schedule, I know that it helps.

I haven't had a strict schedule in months.

In the effort to get back into one, I've decided to start just by doing some of the same things everyday; one of them being yoga. Specifically, I've started doing yoga with The Remote Yogi Tribe. I feel like this is the most non-judgemental yoga group that I have ever found. Highly recommend. But, I digress.

Yesterday was my first day missing my yoga practice in almost two weeks. Yesterday was also the worst day I've had, mentally, in almost two weeks. I'm not always the brightest crayon in the crayon box when it comes to noticing things about myself, so until today, I hadn't put two and two together that taking even fifteen minutes out of my day to sit and just clear my head makes everything in life that much more bearable.

I know every bipolar is different, just like every single person is different in the way they handle life and emotions. Maybe it's my illness, or maybe it's just me, but brain does. not. shut. off. There are constant what if's and did I forget's and conversation after scenario after conversation going on. Yoga is my fifteen minutes where there is complete and utter silence. It's the most amazing thing. I can listen to the birds and actually hear the birds.

So, from now on I will try my best to practice every day. Even if I'm lying on the ground in Shavasana for half of the practice. And I swear I'm going to start understanding this thing called "mindfulness". (I have a good idea, I just don't know if I'm doing it right.)


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