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  • Julia Antionette

I am a Green Witch.

Green Witch: [n] A witch whose practice focuses on nature, using natural materials and energies. Often skilled herbalists and may enjoy gardening and wildcrafting as part of their practice. Quite attuned to the cycles of nature and may (or not) practice astrology as a way to enhance this connection. Also dedicated to an environmentally friendly lifestyle. To a Green Witch, all natural places are sacred and reducing her damaging human footprint on the Earth is more than a lifestyle choice but a sacred duty.

Running the risk of sounding absolutely daft, I have more recently started to understand the term "witch", the different types of witches there are, and begun to identify as one. I, am a Green Witch. And, while not all witches do, I practice Tarot.

I have found a major comfort in reading Tarot cards. And I've come to find, I'm actually quite good at it. No, I don't worship the devil, or think I can see the future. What I do think, is that Tarot helps me, and those I read for, sort our thoughts and find a way to give them all a name and a category so that we know what to do with them.

I have been reading Tarot cards, mainly my own, for years. More recently, as my skills have grown stronger in their meanings and interpretations, I have also started reading for others. There's just something that feels right about it.

Tarot has a way of eking out the little nagging fears and concerns, or even doubts in your own capabilities, that you find a way to push into the little cracks and crevices of your brain or your heart, and try your hardest to forget and not feel. It also has a way of bringing out your confidences, and showing you that not all life is bad. There are things to look forward to, you just have to trudge through a little bit longer and you'll get to them. For me, it's the light at the end of the tunnel with a little guidance to get me through to the other side.

Being raised in a Christian household, being a witch or even looking at Tarot cards was something that was completely forbidden. It's something the majority of my family thinks is associated with the devil, and doesn't know that I practice. You don't have to be a devil worshipper, and you can most certainly hold whatever beliefs you want and still get some amount of comfort and clarity from Tarot readings. The looks on their faces if any of them ever read this, goodness only knows.

I do believe that whatever you decide to believe in gives that entity power. I believe that if you believe that Tarot may help you find some answers, or that a psychic reading will benefit you, it will. If you don't believe it's going to help you in any way and think that it's a load of hogwash, it won't.

Either way, it has helped me find some guidance, and is so far helping me to find myself. After all, there's nothing quite like getting yelled at by a deck of cards.

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