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  • Anni Adalia

Tarot Tuesday

It's Tarot Tuesday once again, and this week we meet the lovely Queen of Swords! The Queen of Swords is all about mental clarity. She is incredibly perceptive and though she may appear aloof and detached, she is still warm and affectionate to those who cross her path. Be warned, she can see through lies and deceit, and will not be so friendly if you give her reason to raise the sword at her side.

Her mystery and the calm veneer she presents make you want to get close to her and know her, but to see her means borrowing her energy, so be perceptive and weigh all sides. Too often we trust blindly, so when we meet the Queen of Swords we are excited at the opportunity to know more. Be sure that her knowledge is worth the price.

To get your own reading or learn more about tarot and my journey, visit my Etsy shop or my Patreon.

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