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  • Anni Adalia

What day is it? 

That's right, folks. It's Tarot Tuesday!

This week's card is The Wheel ☸️

No matter where we are in life, the wheel keeps turning, and circumstances continue to change. When the card is upright we know that we are in a good place with more fortune to come, but we are reminded that things may not always be this way. Hold onto the good times and keep your focus there with them, and you will always make it through. When the card is reversed, we are living in a period of difficulty. Plans may not be working out the way that we wish them to, and we may feel exhausted and that all of our labours are for naught. But, again, we must remember that life is in a constant state of flux and this will not last. Be mindful. No matter where you are in your life, take note and remind yourself to live fully in the present while trusting that the future will take you where you need to go.

For your own personalized reading or to learn more about tarot and my journey, visit my shop at or my patreon at

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Anni Adalia
Anni Adalia
Jun 12, 2019

#tarottuesday #greenwitch #elements #earth #air #fire #water #learning #tarotteachings #strength #clarity #calm #energy #perception #clearmind #knowledge #earthenvesselcreations #etsy #weeklyreadings #EarthAndVessel #AnniAdalia #tarotreader #TravelingTarot #patreon #thewheel #majorarcana #incense #candles #crystals #amber

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