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  • Julia Antionette

Hello. My Name is Julia, and I'm Addicted to Books.

I've always loved books. I lose myself in them completely. I find it so amazing that through another person's words, I can be transported to an entirely new world. Even if that world only exists in my head.

My problem, is that I cannot put them down.

I hide in books. Avoid responsibility in books. Books get such a level of importance that I put finishing a book above pressing responsibilities and self care. And let me tell you, I. Must. Finish. Each. Book. I literally cannot put them down, even if it means losing sleep (which, I guess isn't saying much coming from an insomniac, but still).

I have an addiction.

When I start reading your average published novel, be it in physical or in ebook format, I know I need to put it down, and because it's a concrete thing that I can hold onto, I can eventually force myself to do it. Usually. ...unless it's Harry Potter.

And here is where the true addiction takes form.

I have recently been introduced to the wide world of fanfic. Horrifying that it took me so long to get here, I know. But heaven only knows where I'd be if I'd found it sooner. Fanfic is online, so it doesn't have the concrete feel or definition of a "published book". Rather, it feels more like I'm reading a very long article. ...even if said article is over 300,000 words long.

I think you're beginning to see my problem.

Pulling away from a fanfic, which by the way - major kudos to those who write it because some of it is AMAZING, is by far the most difficult thing I've had to do in quite some time. I've only recently been able to start prying myself away from so-called "regular books" to do the necessary amounts of adulting in a day. When you don't have the same parameters, it is chaos. At least in my head. And now I'm back to square one of weaning myself off of it. ...or at least learning to limit my intake.

So, there you have it. The revelation of self for day three - I am a book addict. And while I know I need to work on this fact, because no addiction, however constructive, is healthy, I think it might be one of my favorite things about myself.

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