Daydreaming is a daily occurrence.
I have always been a dreamer. It doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am, I will always be dreaming. One little thing in the...
Sometimes I Do...
Usually, once I get an idea, I find myself burning the candle at both ends. ...And the middle. ...And the sides. It's amazingly difficult...
Gardening is my Happy Place.
If you ever see me in a garden, nursery, or even near a vase of flowers, you'll notice that I talk to plants. I don't even really think...
I. Am. Frustrated.
Would you like to know why? I would love to tell you. You'll have to hang in there with me through to the end though... There. Now I've...
Words Are Important.
You already know how much I love reading. It's like water in the garden of my soul. Obviously, reading involves lots of words, but I...
I love rainy days.
Rainy days are perfect. They always suit my mood. Whenever everyone thinks of rainy days, they always think of gloomy, sulky, cold rain,...
I feel more...Me...with Short Hair.
24 of my (almost) 28 years of life have been spent with long hair that was at least halfway down my back. Mostly, this was due to my...
I Buy Myself Roses.
Or, any pretty flower for that matter. Today just happened to be a day for roses. Flowers make me incredibly happy. Whether they're...
I Don't Want to Have Children.
When I was eighteen, I remember wanting nothing more than to marry my high school sweetheart, have four children, and live in a wonderful...
Hello. My Name is Julia, and I'm Addicted to Books.
I've always loved books. I lose myself in them completely. I find it so amazing that through another person's words, I can be transported...