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  • Julia Antionette

I Buy Myself Roses.

Or, any pretty flower for that matter. Today just happened to be a day for roses. Flowers make me incredibly happy. Whether they're colorful or lusciously green, or even slightly misshapen, they will always make me smile.

And I will always talk to them.

It is one of my dreams, along with having my own library in my house, to have a green house attached. Heck, even just having my own green house somewhere is enough. I helped my grandparents with their gardens growing up, and the beauty of them has never been lost on me.

I moved into my current apartment three years ago. The first thing I figured out is what room held the best lighting for growing dahlias, lavender, and tulips. Slowly, I began to move my gardening to the outside of the house, once I realized the landlord was more than okay with it. It started with just a few plants on the porch...then sprucing up the front garden...then completely overhauling the backyard. Now, I've even got a vegetable garden set up in my neighbor's backyard.

Soon to be two gardens in her backyard.

Basically, I've been learning to indulge in the things that make me feel good. I know retail therapy could very well fit into this category - but I'm trying to keep on a healthy track here. I know that having 5 gardens and a porch-full of plants is hard work, but the beauty that comes from it is so incredibly rewarding. Being able to watch these plants grow, and seeing them in full bloom, never ceases to amaze me. And yes, even when I have all of these gardens, if I see a beautiful bouquet on my way to check out from the grocery store, nine times out of ten I will buy them.

Because everyone deserves to smile and feel happy and full. And sometimes, the little things make the biggest difference.

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