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  • Julia Antionette

I love rainy days.

Rainy days are perfect. They always suit my mood. Whenever everyone thinks of rainy days, they always think of gloomy, sulky, cold rain, but it can be so much more than that. There are light grey rainy days where you can tell the sun is shining brilliantly behind the clouds. Warm, soft summer rains that are comforting and happy. Absolute downpours that give you a lovely break from an oppressive heat, with giant raindrops that come down at just the right speed to play in. And, the slightly chilly spring rain with the warm water but brisk wind that makes it invigorating and inviting.

Yesterday's rainy day was the last of those. It was exactly what I needed.

Rainy days are when I recharge. Yes, I may forget to do yoga, which I know is an important part of my routine. Yes, I may neglect my usual household chores. Yes, I may curl up on the couch with a perfectly warm cup of tea, a blanket, my softest worn set of sweatpants, and a thick pair of socks and do nothing but read a good book for a couple hours. None of this is bad. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

Rainy days are my biggest self care days. I indulge my cozy whims and don't let myself feel guilty about any of it. I know how important it is to pick everything back up the following day, and sometimes it's incredibly hard to do. Hell, who am I kidding? Everyday it's incredibly hard to do. But, on rainy days, I'm allowed to forget about some of that and just stay in a happy, cozy bubble, and just be me.

Everyone complains about rainy weather and begs for the sun. Times like this I think they're the crazy ones. They don't realize what they're missing.

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