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  • Julia Antionette

Words Are Important.

You already know how much I love reading. It's like water in the garden of my soul. Obviously, reading involves lots of words, but I don't think that's the only time words are important.

When talking to anyone, you choose your words carefully. You speak one way to your parents, another to your friends, and even another to your significant other. Heck, sometimes your word choices change from friend to friend. But, they make up so much of our lives.

I could tell you that I'm feeling low today. Or, I could say that I'm feeling depressed, disheveled, upset, down, dismal, abysmal, even ashamed. Each word, while still conveying the same general concept, reveals something different.

I am a writer. I need to write as much as I need to read. Words have probably more significance to me than most, as I'm sure my boyfriend can attest. Even though I know just how important these words are to me, I still somehow find myself neglecting to write them down everyday.

I just started talking with an accountability partner to help make sure I'm doing the things that help me stay healthy every single day. Not just food-wise, but exercise, mindfulness, things that make me feel good, like writing that help me retain a little bit more control over my sanity. And it was during our conversation that it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Yes, I try to write a blog post, or a poem, or the like everyday, but what about journaling? What about taking even 15 minutes a day to just word vomit all over a page without having to worry about making sense, just to get everything out of my head and start with a clean slate? I hadn't realized how much I missed that, how much I really needed it, until we started talking. A space to say every word I mean, or to cross out that word 17 times until I find the one that feels right on the page. A space to figure out what words I would use when talking to someone else and to change them into what I would use just talking to myself.

Finding the perfect words has always been important to me. Now, I'm going to sit down and write the words that are perfect for me.

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