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  • Julia Antionette

I. Am. Frustrated.

Would you like to know why? I would love to tell you. You'll have to hang in there with me through to the end though...

There. Now I've said it. And I bet anything you are just as frustrated as I am.

With so many things in life, we feel overwhelming societal pressures. Nowhere is that pressure so high as it is in what is mentioned above. I can't talk about huge aspects of my life because of society's views. I know I've roughly mentioned my mental illnesses, but I haven't gone in-depth about them because that's not what this blog is about. Because they make people uncomfortable when you get down to the nitty-gritty. Because I'm trying to find myself outside of that box.

But I'm tired of censoring myself. I'm sick of the fact that there seems to be nowhere except a personal, secret journal where these things are to be discussed. I'm over having to check every single letter that I press on my keyboard, and write, and re-write, and re-write, until there is nothing left but a fluff piece that barely discusses what I set out to talk about in the first place. I'm tired of having my thoughts and words appreciated by only those in the mental health and writing communities. When my first flash fiction piece was published online, everyone that I'm acquainted with had the same reaction: "oh...that's...interesting."

I'm ready to be more than "interesting". I'm ready to dig deep and start talking about the rough stuff, because those are the words that need to be said.

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