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  • Julia Antionette

Daydreaming is a daily occurrence.

I have always been a dreamer.

It doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am, I will always be dreaming. One little thing in the conversation or the scenery will spark a little bud of an idea that ends up blossoming into a full blown daydream before I even realize it. This may be why I relate as much as I do to Luna Lovegood, but I love it.

I love this part of me.

So many times we are pessimistic and down on ourselves, we tell ourselves we can't accomplish something, or we bring down someone else's ideas. We don't necessarily mean to; we think we are being realistic. But, it's so easy to fall into this cycle of unbelieving. It's why I try to make a true effort to include people in my life that understand and support me. Granted, they won't understand everything, but the support is what matters.

Sometimes, people will think I'm just as loony as Luna, but it doesn't bother me anymore. Who knows if it's a side effect of being bipolar that I have access to this other section of my brain that dreams up magnificent dreams, or if it would be part of me regardless. All I know, is that it's my favorite part.

And if I spend an entire sunny day inside simply dreaming, I'm okay with that. I'm enjoying it in my own way.

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